
Hello, my name is Sam. I am a software developer and I work in the Health Tech industry with Aire Logic. I also have previous experience in the energy and linguistics industries. I work predominently with the NHS, including NHS Digital and the Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust.

I mostly dabble with .NET and React, and have helped develop some pretty cool applications for some pretty cool companies, such as forms4health and LTHT’s Electronic Health Record system, PPM+.

These are the things I’m really interested in:

Aside from most of my professional experience being a .NET developer building mostly enterprise applications and customer-, patient-, or clinician-facing applications, I’m also interested in other tech too and am embarking on a learning journey in them:

I build this website with using Hugo. I did it so I could get a quick intro to Golang. Here is the repo. I also wanted a website I could update super easily with cheap (or free) hosting, that I could also possibly replicate for my other hobbies (such as cooking & gardening). You can read more details in the readme for more details about why I did this and view its progress.